News and Info

Oct 8, 2023 – All of the pictures from the GotDog? Party Paloosa are now on the web site. Will have to see how they edit, but I may delete some of the pictures of the contacts in the shade.

Oct 2, 2023 – All of the pictures from the last few trials have now been sent. Let me know if you have not received your pictures yet. I will be taking pictures this weekend at GotDog? for the Party Palooza.

Sep 26, 2023 – All of the pictures from BARC’s September USDAA trial are now uploaded. I still need to separate dogs from this trial into their own file, then I will be able to get back to editing and sending pictures that have been purchased.

Sep 18, 2023 – I do not know if anyone reads these, but I found out over the weekend that the contact page was not working properly. If you do read this and sent a message by the contact page I never received it. I do not know why the page was not working, but will try and trouble shoot when I have a chance.

Sep 18, 2023 – All the pictures from PAW Idaho ASCA trial are now uploaded. I will be taking pictures at BARC’s USDAA trial this coming weekend.

Sep 5, 2023 – All the pictures from D4 Dog Agility NADAC trial are now uploaded. I am hoping to get pictures at two more trials the end of the month.

Aug 29, 2023 – Took pictures at BARC’s August NADAC trial. I have them all uploaded to Facebook, and will try and get them uploaded here this week. I will also be taking pictures at the D4 Dog Agility trial over the Labor Day Weekend, so I may or may not have all the pictures from BARC up by the time I go to the D4 trial. If I do not get the pictures done for BARC by the time I go to the D4 trial, the BARC pictures will be the first ones to work on.

Jun 26, 2023 – Took pictures at BARC’s UKI/USDAA trial over the weekend. I am slowly getting the pictures uploaded to this site, but it is going very slow. Once I get the pictures uploaded here, then I will work on the pictures that have been purchases.

Jun 6, 2023 – Slowly getting pictures from GotDog?’s June trial uploaded. Hope to have them all uploaded by this evening.

May 30, 2023 – Finished uploading the pictures from the NADAC hosted trial over the Memorial Day weekend. Still have some things to do before I can start editing purchased pictures. Hoping to take pictures this weekend at the GotDog? trial, so purchased pictures may not get sent until next week.

May 30, 2023 – I did take pictures at the NADAC hosted trial over the Memorial Day weekend. I am slowly getting the pictures uploaded to the web page, but as I just mentioned it is going slow. As of this writing I do have Saturday pictures all loaded.

May 25, 2023 – Depending on the size of the trial, hope to take pictures at the NADAC hosted trial in Ontario, OR this weekend.

May 1, 2023 – All of the purchased pictures from the PAW Idaho ASCA agility trial have been sent. You can still purchase pictures from any of the trials I attended in April, but it will be next week before I get to them. I will be at a two day agility seminar followed by a 3 day agility trial over the weekend.

Apr 29, 2023 – All of the pictures from BARC’s USDAA and NADAC trials have been sent. I know some may not see this, but for those that do, for those that purchased pictures and informed me that you have downloaded your pictures, THANK YOU! For those that have not notified me they have downloaded their pictures, I will be deleting the files soon. I have one more trial to work on and at this time I am almost at my storage limit on my DropBox account.

Apr 23, 2023 – All of the pictures from PAW Idaho April 2023 ASCA trial are now uploaded.

Apr 20, 2023 – All of the purchased pictures from BARC’s April 2023 USDAA trial have been sent. Now to work on the NADAC pictures.

Apr 17, 2023 – All of the pictures from BARC’s April 2023 NADAC trial are now uploaded to this webpage. Still have some work to do on the NADAC pictures (getting all of the dogs separated into their own file), but will get back to editing and sending purchased pictures this week. Please be patient as I have several orders to fill AND I will be taking pictures this weekend at an ASCA agility trial.

Apr 16, 2023 – Working on getting pictures from BARC’s April 2023 NADAC trial up on this webpage. I have Friday up and hope to get Saturday and Sunday up on Monday.

Apr 12, 2023 – FINALLY! All of the pictures taken at BARC’s April 2023 USDAA trial are now uploaded to this webpage. Still having some trouble with the uploading, but am figuring out some stuff to get it done a bit faster. Now to work on pictures that have been purchased.

Apr 11, 2023 – Saturday pictures from BARC’s April 2023 USDAA trial are up. It is slow going. I am not sure of the limit, but it seems that I can only upload a few pictures at a time without getting any errors. AND I am still having to manually rearrange them to be in numerical order.

Apr 10, 2023 – Working on getting BARC’s April 2023 USDAA pictures up. It is taking longer than I thought, but will keep working on getting them uploaded.

Apr 7, 2023 – Working on adding pictures from BARC’s April USDAA trial. Looks like the pictures may not be in order, so need to see if there is an easy way to get them in order.

Apr 1, 2023 – Added this page so I had a place to let everyone know when I have pictures uploaded and/or other types of news or info.

Mar 29, 2023 – Web page went live.

Mar 23, 2023 – Purchased web domain and host site.